Monday, April 22, 2019

Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day provides the perfect opportunity to reflect on how we collectively impact our local environment and the world.  At Michael Baker International, we look at how our work makes the world a better place by helping our clients make our land, water, air and neighborhoods cleaner, safer, more environmentally friendly—and, at the same time, more socially and economically viable.

We can think of no more appropriate occasion to announce our current initiative, which will include an overhaul of our Mobile LiDAR and Pavement collection fleet to more fuel efficient and environmentally sustainable vehicles that will lessen our environmental footprint.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

OTMR / Utility Solutions Presented at Alden User Conferece

A BIG thanks to the great team at Alden Systems for the opportunity to speak at the 2019 Alden User Conference and present the next generation of Mobile LiDAR solutions for the Joint Pole, Make Ready Engineering (MRE), and One Touch Make Ready (OTMR) community.

@AldenSystems  #AldenOne  #MobileLiDAR  #OTMRSolutions

Michael Baker's Aaron Morris (National GIT Lead), presenting next generation Mobile LiDAR solutions during Monday's afternoon session at the 2019 Alden User Conference.